(Update: Dec, 2024)
Here's why you should NEVER,
EVER feed peanuts to squirrels!
There is ONLY TWO species of squirrel, out of 280 species, who can safely eat peanuts, Groundhogs and Chipmunks!
Which are immune to the following:
I understand your confusion,
cause most wildlife prepackaged foods
contain peanuts both with and without shells. Even the bird "balls" you hang up, use peanuts as a Binder.
And yes, peanuts are perfectly safe for birds but, they WILL kill squirrels.
They do this out of the simple fact,
that peanuts are so inexpensive
that they use them to fill up their packages.
Peanuts are a 90 billion dollar industry.
That's 50 Million tons worth on the global market each year and they will go through extreme lengths to preserve this market.
They will even pay fake scientists, cause real scientists have a public degree, dietitians, nutritionists and health coaches, to claim otherwise.
So, make sure you buy some without peanuts, products without them, exists for a good reason!
The peanut contain an undetectable fungus.
This fungus/mold has been linked
to permanent brain damage,
such as epilepsy and seizures,
as well as heart, liver and lung failures.
The Peanuts are a legume, it's a bean, not an actual nut.
They contain a trypsin inhibitor,
a substance that inhibits and prevents protein,
B12 and other highly important vitamins
from being absorbed into the body.
This can lead to irreversible and permanent damages, due to protein, vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Even if the peanut is roasted, there's still a high chance of the fungus to survive and the trypsin inhibitor WILL remain, regardless what you do to the peanut.
They are basically like eating potato chips.
They are the most unhealthy "nut" in their category.
Like iceberg lettuce is the worst in their category.
It's like feeding your kids McDonald's all day,
every day...
I have simply lost count, 500+ cases over the past 10+ years,
on how many pet squirrels I've seen with serious seizures
or spams, pressing their teeth through their own mouths, into their brains or simply die of organ failure,
at the age of 1 maybe 3 and that's if they are lucky, when they can live till 10+!
I've seen wild squirrels with these seizures and spasms
although it's rare to find photos or videos due to the simple fact that
predators usually get to them first, but you can find them if you're looking.
All because they were fed peanuts on a regular basis. The amount of people i hear say "My squirrel visitors only live about a year" Yeah, because of peanut poisoning! Cause both Red and Grey can live till 4 to 6 years of age in the wild, on the correct diet!
Peanuts are a soft! Squirrels requires, they NEED hard shelled food in order to grind down their teeth.
Much like other rodents, squirrel teeth continue to grow, just like human fingernails do, all throughout their lives.
If they are not maintained (with hard shelled nuts), their teeth will overgrown and eventually, they will grow so large, they cant eat, or they grow straight into their brains.
<- Be warned!: (graphical imagery)
A general rule when feeding wildlife,
is to never give them something
that isn't naturally grown in their region.
Squirrels won't eat peanuts on their own,
unless there's absolutely no other option, or they've become addicted to them.
A simple fact is,
it's better to be safe and not give them any peanuts,
than sorry for shortening their lifespan by 75%
with a long, slow and extremely painful death...
"Doctor" google, isn't always right you know...
The road to hell is paved with "good" intentions. And ignorance isn't an excuse...