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Amazon Wishlist

Only Amazon Germany supported,
as shipping and import taxes from anywhere else, are astronomical.

you can still use your usual login credentials
and you can change the language to English.


These are things i can't possibly  afford  myself or,
they simply don't exists   in Denmark.

If the lists are completely empty,
it means that everything has already been purchased for us
or that we don't have anything we need at the moment.

if you should find something on Amazon yourself,
like a unique  teddy for Tintin
or something special for Miss Marble,

you can send me the link to the item
and ill add it to the list, then
 you can purchase it for them.
If you can't find anything and
you still wish to help and support us,

you can always donate using PayPal.
In which I will purchase what's needed,
which is the far cheapest option.

Thank you in advance, for all you love and support.

Tintin and Crew

Little disclaimer:
This is an alternative to sending us something directly, or to a P.O. Box,
as P.O. Boxes don't exist in Denmark and our address is highly secret, for obvious security reasons,
as some people have very ill intentions towards Tintin, Miss Marble, Paps or all of us.
*Unmotivated gift giving is still and fully legal, according to Danish rules and laws.

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