Squirrel Nests/Dreys
The wild squirrels can have up to 3 nests per squirrel. They usually store food, snacks and other treasures in one nest. The males also...
Squirrel Nests/Dreys
Red vs Grey?
Sense of Smell
Social Status/Hierarchy
American Squirrels
Squirrels Teeth
Transporting Babies
Squirrel Species
Squirrel Origin
Ear tufts, hair
Red Squirrel Legs
Red Squirrel Giving Birth
Squirrels Eyes and Eyesight
Red Squirrel Hands/Paws
The European Black Squirrel
Red Squirrel Fur
The story of the harness
A Tribute to the Sheriff
Relocating Squirrels?
Coconut Snack Box